本篇文章将要绘制一个具有动画效果的galaxy,关于galaxy的实现可以参考之前的这篇笔记 Galaxy[//www.greatytc.com/p/3087edb...
本篇文章将要绘制一个具有动画效果的galaxy,关于galaxy的实现可以参考之前的这篇笔记 Galaxy[//www.greatytc.com/p/3087edb...
We're going to create raging sea only by using shaders Set up Replace the mesh and repl...
What is a shader?Program written in GLSLSent to the GPUPosition each vertex of a geomet...
添加物体和灯光 Load the model, increase its scale, rotate it Load the environment map, 我们加载的是立...
Environment Mapas a backgroundas reflectionas lighting Set up Model添加model后向下移动camera就能...
A raycaster[https://threejs.org/docs/index.html?q=ray#api/zh/core/Raycaster] can cast a...
Formats - many 3D models formats, each one responding a problem Popular 3D Models Forma...
We are going to use three.js to achieve physics effects, likes bounce、friction、bouncing...
how to use three.js as a background of a classic HTML page make the camera to translate...
这篇笔记的最终实现目标,是创建一个星系,如下图: Set up Create a generateGalaxy function and call it, 我们用这个方法生成...
Particles can be used to create stars, smoke, rain, dust, fire, etc. You can have thous...
基础场景:some lights、no shadow、a Dat.GUI panel HouseFloor/** * House**/// Floorconst floor...
最终效果如上图所示,实现一个3D Text,使用了MeshMatcapMaterial、FontLoader、TorusGeometry等 首先创建一个带有坐标系的基础场景 ...
The dark shadow in the back of the objects are called core shadows, we will going to do...
环境光 AmbientLight[https://threejs.org/docs/index.html?q=light#api/zh/lights/AmbientLight...
Materials[https://threejs.org/docs/index.html?q=materi#api/zh/constants/Materials] are ...
先参考文档 图形控件dat.gui[https://www.npmjs.com/package/dat.gui] 通过npm安装
composed of vertices(point coordinates in 3D spaces) and faces(triangles that join thos...
Fit in the viewport Handle pixel ratiowindow.devicePixelRatio设备像素比, 有时候我们看到的渲染是不清晰的,有锯齿...