3D Touch adds an additional额外的 dimension维度 to touch-based interaction. On supported dev...
Some apps may need to provide a way to make setup or configuration choices, but most ap...
Users must grant permission for an app to access personal information, including the cu...
Launch time is your first opportunity to onboard new users and reconnect with returning...
【译文】iOS 10 人机界面指南(完结)8. UI 控件(UI Controls) 8.1 按钮(Buttons) 8.2 编辑菜单(Edit Menus) 8.3 标签(Labels) 8.4 页面控件(...
People tend to be unaware of an app’s navigation until it doesn’t meet their expectatio...
Modality creates focus by preventing people from doing other things until they complete...
When content is loading, a blank or static screen can make it seem like your app is fro...
iOS为视觉障碍、听觉障碍和其它残障人士提供大量优化。大多数基于UIKit的app可以轻松的让更多的人使用你的app并拥有极佳的体验。 为图片、图标和界面元素提供可选的文本标...
大多数iOS apps使用UIKit(一个定义公共元素的设计框架)来组建。这个框架让apps在整个系统中有统一的表现同时又能有很强的个性。UIKit元素非常灵活、普遍。它们具...
原文地址:官网地址 在网上找类似的翻译很难找到最新的,自己又有查看的需要,每次都看英文版又太慢,就一边查词典一边翻译,用中文记录在这里。首先是方便自己,然后其他人也能看到。有...