游泳是最爱的运动,没有之一。快数游泳的至少5大好处(还在补充中……) 1. 游泳是对身体锻炼最全面的运动,心肺,呼吸,皮肤,骨骼,肌肉,塑形……吐故纳新,排毒养颜,特别适合颈...
游泳是最爱的运动,没有之一。快数游泳的至少5大好处(还在补充中……) 1. 游泳是对身体锻炼最全面的运动,心肺,呼吸,皮肤,骨骼,肌肉,塑形……吐故纳新,排毒养颜,特别适合颈...
回忆一个记忆深刻的家庭时光 你最感谢,或者是对你影响深刻的一位亲人 你的择偶标准,心目中的另一半 你心目中的美好家庭是怎样的?你向往的生活是什么样子? 如何平衡家庭,工作,和...
Emotion management is important, because emotion as one part of body language like faci...
Day1:How do your think about your parents and original family? Which experience do you ...
Day1: Share your experience of "高考",the national college entrance exam - If you can go ...
所以站在自我的角度,只要自己爽,自己觉得是对的,坚持即可,无需管别人的感受。 可是这就是人与人之间矛盾的来源。 我听到一个更有格局的观点:如果每个人都做老好人,做讨好型人格的...
Sub topics 1. If you are single, do you have mandatory criteria for your Mr/Mrs. Right?...
What is true love? Only family love from parents is selfless love, they are willing to ...
A certain amount of material wealth basic life needs are met is necessary to provide co...
Tomb sweeping day is the day in April from Chinese lunar calendar. At that day people c...
Table topic 2024/02/25 1. What if you were boy or girl, or a animal or anything else yo...
5/11鸽子在阳台花盆衔枝筑巢 5/12鸽子生蛋 5/13鸽子第二枚蛋 鸽子互相轮流值班孵蛋 5/17下雨也坚持孵蛋 5/28鸽子蛋有毛绒绒的东西 雄雌两只早晚轮岗,一心孵蛋...