以对象来思考:当设计类时类(class) song实例变量(instance variable) titlear...
以对象来思考:当设计类时类(class) song实例变量(instance variable) titlear...
Java 工作方式:源代码(.java)-编译器(javac)-输出(.class)-JVM 每个java程序都至少会有一个类以及一个main().int rand = (i...
LC279. Perfect SquaresInput: n = 13Output: 2Explanation: 13 = 4 + 9.
LC127. Word LadderInput:beginWord = "hit",endWord = "cog",wordList = ["hot","dot","dog"...
LC695. Max Area of Island
In this machine problem, we need to implement frame pool manager to allocate and releas...
LC155. Min StackMinStack minStack = new MinStack();minStack.push(-2);minStack.push(0);m...
LC144. Binary Tree Preorder TraversalInput: [1,null,2,3]12/3 Output: [1,2,3] LC94. Bina...
LC34. Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted ArrayInput: nums = [5,7,7,8,8,1...
基本操作 LC21. Merge Two Sorted Lists 链表删除 LC83. Given a sorted linked list, delete all dup...
LC15 3Sum先排序, 然后开始第一层遍历,记为i,记住先去重,那么第二层遍历从i+1到末尾,用双指针,前后夹击看能否找到target,如果找到了,要检查两个指针的前后是...