So I turn and walk away. I picture the yard as a seabed, my body in fish mode. I wish I...
So I turn and walk away. I picture the yard as a seabed, my body in fish mode. I wish I...
Pretend “只消一听无兄无弟,人们便条件反射般地这样想道:这小子是独生子,一定受父母溺爱、体弱多病、极端任性。而这种千篇一律的反应使我相当厌烦和受刺激。但真正使少年时代...
In the beginning, there was a cat withblack and white strips standing in the centre of ...
01 经常收到很多读者的留言,说自己非常迷茫,找不到事情做,不知道该干嘛? 一般看到这种求助,我都会开启安慰模式,并且在聊天中询问他最近的生活状况。 最终我发现,大多数迷茫的...
Day 9翻译段落 Is the new urbanismall it is cracked up to be? It is easy to find counter-tre...
One cheetah finds an antelope who islagging behind its group. He does not take immediat...
Business:Schumpeter[1]: Leavingfor the city 商业:熊彼得:重返城市 Lots of prominentAmerican compa...
Mr. Knightley is a sweet-tempered man in middle age. Althoughone can tell it by his sli...
Day 5翻译段落 亚太发展到今天,每迈出一步都要向改革要动力,向创新要活力。改革创新是好事,也是难事。中国古语说:“遇事无难易,而勇于敢为。”拉美谚语说,“没有比缺乏意志更...
Locating in a small valley, the low-rise house is transformedconverted from an old barn...
Cheetah is the most fastlanding mammal in the world. Although sometimes it would be lum...
So why isthe euro not stronger with all this enthusiastic buying of BMWs and other euro...