终于,离开了。 你知道吗?当人呆在一个环境长时间后就会变得越来越习惯,某种环境,某种氛围。 到最后他就会慢慢爱上这里。想要离开就变得异常艰难。 ...
曾几何时,习惯了在外地过年,倒不觉得有些凄凉,孤独感。反而更多地是一种习惯。 你问我,难道没有一点想家的感觉吗?是有的。毕竟这个带给我一二十年回...
本周复盘从以下三个方面进行: ①健康整合 生物钟OK,身体正在慢慢习惯这种节奏。6点起床,22:30~23:00间睡觉。坚决不熬夜,有益身体,保...
Recently I am thinking one question, where do I want to go? I have reali...
The experience of learning English was great and excited, which made me ...
I don't know how to descrip the feeling being very difficult in the morn...
As a Egnlish lover guy I spend most time on learnning oral, writting and...
Accumulate some short setences❤️ shaving, boys are more easy to have sha...
I have a habit recently that I would like to reply some questions which ...