To be honest, I didn't spend so much time on reading this month. I know 'have no time' ...
To be honest, I didn't spend so much time on reading this month. I know 'have no time' ...
Learning Experience: Luckly, I can join join this month morning reading group. The read...
英英释义:to make a relationship, idea etc stronger or more certain 例句:Collective goals can ...
英英释义:to influence someone so that they change their opinion 1.翻译: People are always swa...
1. 翻译:The government has gradually toughened regulations and punishments on car-hailing...
invite:to do something that makes something bad or unpleasant more likely to happen 1.翻...
1.翻译: Success should not be gauged merely by wealth and popularity. 2. 场景:人不可貌相 造句: A w...
1. 翻译: The ending of the movie left countless audiences in tears. (参考翻译:The ending of t...
1. Experienced writer always factor in their writing purpose and the audience. 2.场景:当选择...
句型造句 1.In school fingers are already being pointed:at teachers, at schools.(场景:学校的教育方式被...
1.翻译:Sanlitun is characterized by it's numerous fashion brands and Western food restaur...
1.翻译: His decision is understandable on the economic side, but it is harder to justifym...
1.翻译: Despite great odds, true love always prevail. 2.场景:正义能战胜一切 造句: We believe that ju...
translate something into something 1【change languages】 2【happen as result】 3【have samem...
1.翻译 This coffee shop boasts the best latte in town. 2.场景:新西兰风景优美 造句:New zealand boasts...
1.翻译 As artificial intelligence advances, concerns loom. 2.场景:随着时间的加长,问题也出现了 造句:As the ...
see: if a period of time or a person sees a particular change or event, it takes place ...
1.翻译 old problems remain, and new problems are begining to emerge. 2.场景: 新的冲突随着时间而显现出来 ...
1.Life priority vary from stage to stage. 2.场景:培训机构学费 造句: Tuition fee varies from year ...