The theme song of this week :Waiting for Tremor by Daft Punk As the song sings, "Tuesda...
The theme song of this week :Waiting for Tremor by Daft Punk As the song sings, "Tuesda...
Let it go, the things that have happened in the past, the things that aren't happening ...
此少年,正读六年级时,坐标运城国际,彼时诗兴大发,少年不知愁滋味,于是“为赋新词强说愁” ! 列位看官,如有所感所见,请留下评语!
这一周虽只过了两天,但似乎已经穿越了很多事,认识又进化到了一个新的高度。 周一早读自己上了一节晨诵,通过六读来来帮学生理解欧阳修的《玉楼春》。六读分别为:一读...