240 发简信
  • 2024-5-6

    counterfeit research 仿冒研究APP cloning 应用分身uphold the importance 拥护重要性dupe...

  • 2024-5-5

    the temperature is goind down 降温【例句:The temperature is going down steadi...

  • 2024-5-4

    There is no possibility of any mistake on your part, my boy, is there?有没...

  • 2024-5-3

    short notice 临时通知,仓促的通知【例句:I was asked to present at the conference with...

  • 2024-5-2

    placid 性情温和的【例句:She was a placid child who rarely cried. 她是个性情温和的孩子,很少哭闹...

  • 2024-5-1

    deign to do something屈尊做...,放下架子做...(to do something unwillingly and in ...

  • 2024-4-31

    逆袭 against all odds,强调成功的不易和意外【例句:He's a prime example of someone who tu...

  • 2024-4-30

    比A和B加起来都多① more than A and B combined【例句:对比一下:You'll make more money tha...

  • 2024-4-29

    charge the battery 充电Dear John letter 绝情信neuro-transmitter 神经递质be redund...