240 发简信
  • 120
    Day10 惊呆!普京小学数学仅得3分?

    『Eleven-year-old Vladimir Putininfuriatedhis gym teacher, skipped his math homework, ne...

  • 120
    Day9 古有木兰替父从军,今有慈父为子作业

    『AustraliaTreasurerPeter Costello said he had taken time out to deliver pizza advertisi...

  • Day7 猫猫急聘

    『A deadly respiratoryvirus transmitted to humans by mouse feces has caused an explosion...

  • Day6 理发师告急

    『Malaysia is running out of barbers and needs to import foreign workers to keep the pop...

  • Day5 画个圈圈诅咒你

    『Desperate to stamp out malpractice in the Thai capital, the mayor of Bangkok Samak Sun...

  • Day4 因义易名

    文:社会乔 『Under a new state law to be enacted, more than three dozen South Dakata towns an...

  • Day3 政客骑象而摔,够衰

    『Three Thai politicians, eager to attract publicity, got the wrong kind of headlines af...

  • 120
    Day2 法随境迁,与时俱进

    文:社会乔 「Colombia’s Constitutional Court struck down a law banning mothers-to-be, whether...

  • 120
    Day 1 - 廉价劳工(Cheap Labor)

    一句话故事梗概:雇佣帮工价格上涨,泰国果农训练猴子帮忙采摘果实。 concerned by something,这里作“考虑到什么”,介词是by不是about,译为因什么烦忧...

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