1. Words and phrases 1) He won for his ventriloquist act, because the judges said it wa...
1. Words and phrases 1) He won for his ventriloquist act, because the judges said it wa...
1. Words and phrases 1) But with Rodrick knocked out with the flu, they must’ve see...
1. Words and phrases 1)"Boy, you are ungrateful!" he chides. Chide: 责备; 责骂,斥责 仿写:She c...
我们都渴望被人理解,所以才有了“沟通”。但很多人的沟通是单向的。我们不应该只求被别人理解,要想获得理解,你应该先去理解别人。只有这样的双向沟通,才能无往不利。 听人说话很简单...
1. Words and phrases 1) Gramma didn’t seem too happy about forking over the hot ch...
1. Words and phrases 1) Mr. Gupta told Mom all about the prank we were playing on h...
1. Words and phrases 1) At the end of the track was a beautiful travel poster of Bermud...
1. Words and phrases 1) Mr. Roy seemed pretty satisfied with my apology, and he let...
1. Words and phrases 1) All I can do is sit and worry about the grilling I'm going to g...
1. Words and phrases 1) Well, that really set Chirag off. Set off: 使爆炸,使爆发 仿写:He kept w...
1. Words and Phrases 1) And in all the commotion, I threw Manny’s “gift” in the gar...
1. Words and Phrases 1) So I started parading Rowley around the cafeteria, because ...
1. Words and Phrases 1) He would imagine a big blitz coming at him fast. blitz: 闪电战...
1. Words and Phrases 1) Then she said me and Rodrick were going to have to settle o...
1. Words and Phrases 1) There is only phantom security in such a relationship when ...
1. Words and Phrases 1) Alex is super easy to copy off of, because he always finish...
1. words and phrases 1) He learned how to vacate his own mind and, through a deep per...
1. Words and Phrases 1) At my first swim meet a couple of years ago, Dad told me that...
1. Words and phrases 1) The kids at my school are always itching to see a fight. itch...