Hugh Evans:Being a Global Citizen | TED Talk Video 1: Being a Global Citizen I I want t...
Hugh Evans:Being a Global Citizen | TED Talk Video 1: Being a Global Citizen I I want t...
作为一个文艺范儿的小青年 手机里一定一定一定不要少了这几款软件 A:时光手账 素材超棒的!行走的手帐本! 里面有超多素材,素材也是超唯美!!!! 重点是,里面不仅仅可以在手机...
“无纸化”随着iPad Pro和Apple pencil的普及,可能性变得越来越高,App Store上也推出了越来越多的手写笔记软件。 那么iPad Pro配合Apple ...
The way I see it, it's a reminder for us to enjoy life what we can.==>what 应该是while吧
Please do, we need some making plans.应该是,we need to start making plans.是不是呢
英语流利说 Level6 Unit2 Part3 Dialogue - Taking care of elderlyTaking care of elderly I'm sorry to hear about your father. I hope he died peacefully. ...
Planning for Retirement Walter wants to retire within the next few years. He's been wor...
我的英语流利说达标日是2019年1月13日;目前学习状态良好,因为之前有段时间不稳定,到今天效率也还是维持在85,目标当然是返学费了。 为了方便无缝复习,利用简书这个app,...
The Boy Who Cried Wolf Once upon a time there was a mischievous young boy who was given...
In 1971, psychologists created one of the most important experiments in the history of ...
Well, what did you think of my presentation?Do you want me to be frank?I know you worke...
So, what is it that you wanted to see me about, John?I thought it would be good for us ...
The love Lab How we communicate with our romantic partners can have a strong impact on ...
Now that you're studying English at a high level, you need to be able to talk about the...
To interfere, to slow something down or make it worse by getting in the way. Having too...
One of the most interesting people in history is probably someone you have never heard ...
WOW, you look different today. You mean more beautiful? What's with all the makeup? I f...
Christina is on a two-week vacation. This is the first vacation she has had for a long ...