1.disrupt 扰乱 disturb 打扰 2.utility 公用事业a service provided for the public, for example a...
1.disrupt 扰乱 disturb 打扰 2.utility 公用事业a service provided for the public, for example a...
Day 8 Renewables20 words 1.PV-photovoltaic 光致电压 of,concerned with, or producing electri...
Space and Time(second chapter ) Day. 4 Vocabulary 1,at rest. ①(technical )not moving Eg...
1.momentum ;quality of motion 动量 inertance inertia 惯性 惰性 2.speed速率 velocity速度 (方向)rate ...
1.echo 回响;回声;回音the reflecting of sound off a wall or inside a confined space so that a ...
1.impulse ~ (to do sth) 冲动;心血来潮;一时的念头a sudden strong wish or need to do sth, without st...
ActiveReading Aswe said at the beginning, we will beprincipallyconcerned in these pages...
Day 1: Words & Phrases - perpetual continuing for a long period of time without interru...
go back, date back ,确切的日期,给物品定年代的, we'v been friends foe long; we go way back since.. w...
go back, date back ,确切的日期,给物品定年代的, we'v been friends foe long; we go way back since.. w...
1. perpetual: a. continuing or enduring forever; everlasting; permanent. Science is an ...
Active Reading Part 1 Words and Expressions As we said at the beginning, we will be pri...