undergo: to experience sth that is unpleasant or sth that involves a change undergo a r...
undergo: to experience sth that is unpleasant or sth that involves a change undergo a r...
British universities -Money and meaning Studying a “useless” field at Oxbridge costs a ...
前言·已往之不谏 按道理来讲,这是一个12月行动复盘,但毕竟已经是2018年的最后一个月了,忍不住就想写一写自己和现象级英语相伴的成长和回忆。这可能不是一片完全的复盘,掺杂了...
十二月晨读,从技术上看: 发现了很多自己发音口型上的错误,也深切感觉到录音中自己的声音和自己想象中很不一样,只有听了,才知道自己是不是真的发音标准了。 理论还是半懂半不懂,对...
Paragraph 5 👇 Every investment reflects the society that spawned it. The humble mutual ...
American politics has seen wordsrapidly changing in their valency afterbeing coined by ...
一、学习收获: 1、国际音标不要太纠结于弄明白。 2、元音的长短 并不是说所有长元音的长度都一样。 3、/iy/ is a long sound 这个概念没有什么用处 要知道...
这是一篇由 现象级英语--经济学人共读 第3小组完成的赏析,标题和1-2段由 Claire 完成,3-4段由 Melaine 完成,5-6段由 立里 完成,7-9段由 Ell...
一、本月做到的事情: 1、坚持打卡每日一词,虽然有两次周六没有签到,但整体还是很不错的。 2、11月5日读完Goodbye, Mr.Chips。开始读葛先生的另一本Pygma...
Why suicide is falling around the world, and how to bring it down more Urbanisation, fe...
1)And suddenly, in a torrent of thoughts too pressing to be put into words, Chips made ...
目的:清晰、高效、换位的书面沟通(Effective email writing=formulaic patterns+clear thinking+empathy) 厘清思...
2) Jinyong-the celebrated martial art novelist , is often regarded as Chinese equivalen...
1、recipe:Ambition without action is a recipe for failure. 2、parallel:Some psychologists...
sway:under somebody's sway hold sway over somebody。 腾讯和阿里巴巴在中国商业中有着巨大的影响力。 Tecent ...
1) Many CEOs hope to get a universal panacea to solve all the problems of their compani...
1) 2) Users are increasingly dissatisfied with the use of data used by Internet compani...