各位关注Youth Support Hub的朋友们好! 首先,感谢大家一直以来对我们活动的支持。从半年前我开始用简书至今,已经分享了70余条义工...
(An English version of this post follows) 一个在安大略湖畔举行的万米charity run活动,很好的...
(An English version of this message follows) 在医疗中心里为病患组织各种体育活动,帮助他们调节心情,...
(An English version of this post follows) 大型有机食物节,普及知识,更能在现场买到本地农户种植的新鲜有...
(An English version of this post follows) (如果你想加入Youth Support Hub,定期收到精...
冬去春来,天气渐暖。值此万物复苏之际,Youth Support Hub的志愿者们参加了由10,000 Trees for the Rouge组...
(An English version of this message follows) Gifted People Services(GPS)...
(An English version of this message follows) Win with Results(简称WIN)是一家致...
(An English version of this message follows) St. Joseph's Health Centre是...