没有回复的节日祝福 自从几年前和亲家母互加了微信,每年过年过节我都会主动发个节日祝福给她,她也很礼貌地回复一个。 但今年变了,端午节没回复,中秋...
不孝子孙 今天照常陪老公去医院血透,等他顺利上机,我又去吃早餐,然后去逛超市。 路上看到一个老年妇女跪在地上乞讨,一看就是农村妇女,大概有六七十...
普J小时候的故事让许多人兴奋不已,因为一个成绩平平、调皮捣蛋还打架的普J,一下子拉近了与普通人的距离,让人觉得特别自然亲切。 普J说,上大学之前...
Jemima picked some herbs. "The dinner will be lovely," she said. Kep ,th...
丧事简办 果然,上周一,二十六床那个妇女走了。 听保安说,医生抢救了半个小时,最终还是没抢救过来。大概中午一两点,火葬场来车了,把人拉走了。 上...
The fox led Jemima to his shed. Jemima looked inside. "Hmm,"said Jemima....
Jemima hicked up a big hill. From the top she saw a forest. It was very ...
Jemima Paddle -Duck was upset. "I don't like the farmer's wife," she sai...
The cat sat on the basket. "When will she leave ?"whispered Benjamin. "F...